The Dark Secret Behind Grocery Store Rotisserie Chicken

Wondering how rotisserie chicken can be so affordable? If you’ve had your suspicions about any shifty business, your instincts might be spot on.

It’s one of the timeless nuggets of kitchen wisdom: To save some cash, avoid convenience foods and prepare your meals from scratch. This holds true for various culinary delights, such as brownies (homemade costs just 39 cents, while a boxed mix can set you back over $2) and fresh-cut fruit (a pineapple goes for just $2.75 per pound, as opposed to $4.28 for pre-cut).

It’s especially noticeable when it comes to ready-to-eat meals, which often ring in at nearly double the cost of the individual ingredients required to prepare them. However, there exists an exception to this rule: rotisserie chicken.

That’s correct – in most grocery stores, a whole, uncooked chicken is often pricier than its fully roasted counterpart.

Apart from the savings, it seems like a much better deal for any busy shopper to opt for a ready-made dinner – one that doesn’t demand cleaning, stuffing, seasoning, and roasting at home. But why are rotisserie chickens so remarkably inexpensive?

The truth is, there’s a hidden story behind your pre-roasted poultry. As reported in an article by the California educational television channel KCET, those delectable, golden rotisserie chickens found in grocery stores are frequently unsold raw chickens nearing their expiration date.

By offering them at a reduced price, grocery stores may earn less compared to selling raw birds, but they save considerably more than they would by discarding the chickens. We’ve compiled a list of the finest rotisserie chickens available at your local grocery store.

Repurposing unsold products is a rather common practice in grocery stores. Supermarket experts have acknowledged that surplus vegetables and meat often find their way into pre-made salads or deli items to minimize waste. Even rotisserie chickens that don’t sell are often transformed into creamy chicken salad!

So, there you have it – the secret’s out. Does this cost-effective strategy brighten your day, or does it leave you feeling a bit feather-ruffled?

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