Bison gores woman at Yellowstone National Park

According to officials, a 47-year-old woman was gored by a bison at Yellowstone National Park on Monday morning, seriously injuring her belly and chest.

The National Park Service said that the Phoenix woman and her companion saw two bison while they were near the Lake Lodge Cabins on the north shore of Lake Yellowstone. As they turned to go, one of the bison lunged at the woman, goring her.
For treatment, the woman was transported to a hospital.

Although they can sprint three times faster than humans, bison are unpredictable, according to officials, who do not know how close she was to the animal prior to the attack. The majority of wildlife, including bison and elk, must be kept at least 25 yards away from visitors visiting Yellowstone National Park.

According to a news statement from the Park Service, “Animals in Yellowstone National Park are wild and can be dangerous when approached.” “When an animal is near a campsite, trail, boardwalk, parking lot, or in a developed area, give it space.”

According to officials, the bison’s mating season runs from mid-July to mid-August. During this time, bison are more prone to agitation than usual.

The attack on Monday is the first of its kind in 2023; however, previous year, bison gored a number of park visitors.

In May 2022, a 25-year-old lady was gored and thrown into the air to the north of Old Faithful. A few weeks later, a 34-year-old man was enjoying a family day on the boardwalk next to Old Faithful’s Giant Geyser when

as a bison trampled him. In June of last year, a bison also attacked a 71-year-old Pennsylvanian tourist.

According to the Department of Interior, bison are the largest mammal in North America. Bulls, or male bison, are six feet tall and can weigh up to 2,000 pounds. The females, referred known as cows, can weigh up to 1,000 pounds and stand four to five feet tall. The only area in the United States where bison have consistently resided since the prehistoric era is Yellowstone.

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